Chorale Connection: Kay Campbell

For ages (I was privileged to be among the founding members of our ensemble), I have devoted Tuesday evenings during the school year to lifting my voice alongside people who sing far better than I under the direction of conductors who teach me something every week to take back to my own church choir, where I'm the director -- all as we move inside the constellations of timeless music. Making choral music -- that breathing together, that lifting of each other on the sonic shoulders of our truest instrument, that exploration of the intersection of music and language, that blending of all of our diverse voices into one bigger voice -- well, it's the best game ever.

Old stories say that at creation the very stars sang together and that they continue to pour out their stellar symphony, inviting us to join the harmony of the spheres. I believe it, because sometimes, when we manage the perfectly tuned chord, I can hear resonances reaching through the universe. Come listen for them!

The Huntsville Master Chorale will present a Veterans’ Salute Concert on Friday, November 10, at 7:00 pm at Trinity United Methodist Church. The concert is free, and everyone is invited to honor veterans, active-duty military personnel, and their families.

Kay Campbell

Huntsville Master Chorale Member


Chorale Connection: Linda McAllister


Chorale Connection: Dr. Patricia Hacker