Take Action


Supporters and Sponsors like you truly make our season possible. You help us secure spectacular venues, promote upcoming concerts, purchase music and vital equipment, and enable us to hire instrumentalists to help create a stellar musical experience.

  • $7000+







    Any amount that is best for you!

    Please note in the comment section if donation is an honorarium or memorial, or if you are designating the donation for a specific purpose.

Make a Donation

Spread the Word or Volunteer

Get involved! You can support our organization by telling your friends about us or volunteering with your time, skill, and efforts.

  • Share blog content, follow us on social media, usher concerts, guide guest musicians, help with mailings, request extra flyers to share around, attend events, bring friends! There’s TONS you can do!

    Questions? Contact us with the form below.

  • Join HMC as a volunteer to assist with in-kind services such as recording/editing; program, poster, and website design/printing; and assisting with ushering, set-up, sound, lighting, staging, etc. For more information on volunteer opportunities, email us at hsvmasterchorale@gmail.com.

Follow HMC on Social Media

Advertise with HMC

Get involved! You can support our organization by telling your friends about us or volunteering with your time, skill, and efforts.

  • Full Page: $750

    Half Page $500

    Quarter Page: $250

    Advertise in our paper program and your ad will be included on our digital program. If you provide us a link we will link your ad to your website.

  • Large Size: $150

    Business Card Size: $75

Audition to Sing with HMC

Audition for HMC and participate in weekly rehearsals and live performances. Your membership dues help with the costs of music, venues, recordings, and keeping high-quality choral concerts free for all.

Email hsvmasterchorale@gmail.com for audition information and Singer Scholarships if needed.

Online donations are available via credit card or PayPal.
If preferred, you may mail a check to
P.O. Box 1774 Huntsville, AL 35807

Need more info or want an in-person presentation? Fill out the form below and a member of our board will reach out to you.